About Ag + Arts Charleston
The Ag + Art Tour is a free, self-guided tour of designated farms in the Charleston area featuring local artisans and farmer's markets.
During the tour visitors have the opportunity to see first-hand where their food comes from, watch artists in action and purchase their works, dance to the melodies of bluegrass and folksongs, and learn more about rural life.
About Ag + Arts South Carolina
The South Carolina Ag + Art Tour is a grassroots driven program that is coordinated by volunteers across a diverse spectrum of organizations.
The tour is the largest free farm and art tour in the nation with over 45,000 visitors participating since 2012.
About Lowcountry Farm Conservation
As the Charleston region continues to grow, the Lowcounty Farm Conservation was created to support programs for famers, educate the community on local farming and livestock practices, livestock sanctuary and many other future projects.